Class of 2023
Despite another unusual school year, our graduating seniors have persevered to overcome challenges and disruptions to get to this moment. Graduating is a major milestone for these kids and we want to make sure they know how proud of them we proud their community is!
These amazing kids have worked so hard to get here. Help us make this occasion extra special for them. Let them know how proud you are that they saw it through and help prepare them for a new road ahead, wherever that road may lead. Celebrate with us!
In past years, volunteers put together gift baskets filled with supplies for dorm rooms, gift cards for gas and food, and other essentials to prepare our graduates for a new road ahead. Based on current CDC guidelines and CFS office protocols, we have decided that it wouldn't be appropriate to bring volunteers or gift basket supplies into the office. We have instead opted for a different approach that will still show our teens just how proud we are of them.
The cost to support this program is about $100 per graduate but any amount is appreciated and contributes to the celebration of our youth. In past years, we have been so fortunate to offset these costs through the generosity of many individual donors purchasing gift basket items and gift cards for the teens.
In lieu of purchasing items we are asking donors to contribute to our Graduation Fund so that case workers can take care of the purchasing personalized gifts, and we can keep our staff, our youth and you safe and healthy.
Showing your support for these teens isn't just a way for you to celebrate this milestone, but also shows our youth that their community is there for them; that there are people out there who care, support their growth and understand how big of a deal this is. Please sign our e-card that will be delivered to all of our grads, and let them know first hand how proud you are of them. Thank you for your support!